The team at CSL includes full-time and part-time staff members working together with hundreds of volunteers to help make meaningful and lasting change in our community. Below is our staff directory, organized alphabetically by last name. If you’re interested in joining our team visit the careers page to learn more and see current openings.
Claudia Alarcon
Financial Coach
Hawthorne Place Apartments
(816) 491-2870 -
Ashley Ballman
Rapid Rehousing
Case Manager
(816) 534-9440 -
Gabriel Bogowith
Accounting Specialist
(816) 491-2004 -
Aimee Bolt
Vice President
Human Resources
(816) 912-1951 -
Donna Bradford
Chief Financial Officer
(816) 912-4500 -
Terri Brewer
Circles Coordinating Coach
(816) 379-6744 -
Lucas Brown
Accounting Specialist
(816) 912-4487 -
Gisselle Cano
Family Stability Coach
(816) 491-2009 -
Dorinda Chamberlin
Facilities & Activities Assistant
(816) 625-1506 -
Donna Compton
Grain Valley Site Manager
(816) 355-0328 -
Doug Cowan
President & CEO
(816) 912-4484 -
Crystal Cunningham
Administrative &
Development Coordinator
(816) 491-2003 -
Adam Daicy
Signature Events Manager
(816) 912-4490 -
Dana Davis
Assistant Vice President
Employment Services
(816) 912-4491 -
Amanda Doss
Blue Springs & Oak Grove
Site Manager
(816) 690-8213 -
Evalyn Duffy
Sr. Vice President
Housing Services
(816) 254-4101 -
Diana Eakright
Vice President
Employment Services
(816) 912-4492 -
Ruth Farrand-Cox
Buckner Site Manager
(816) 249-5820 -
Geraldine Flores
Family Stability Coach
(816) 642-2201 -
Maribel Franco
Housing Case Manager
(816) 908-9512 -
Kennedy Galanakis
Family Stability Coach
(816) 552-0874 -
Belinda Goodwin
Homeless Street Outreach
(816) 534-9442 -
Paul Gordon
Senior Financial Coach
(816) 912-1321 -
Mark Graber
Chief Operating Officer
(816) 534-9441 -
Angie Griddine
Housing Case Manager
(816) 491-2477 -
Loren Groom
Housing Case Manager
Housing Locator
(816) 491-2014 -
Kathi Hawkins
Rose Hernandez
Integrated Services Coach
Hawthorne Place Apartments
(816) 642-2203 -
Bonita Jones
Employment Specialist
(816) 908-9516 -
Berlin King
Wealth Building Coach
(816) 559-1941 -
Kelly Koeneman
Career Development Coach
(816) 491-2013 -
Micah Latimer
Housing Case Manager
(816) 988-8849 -
Tammie Lay
Farview Site Manager
(816) 719-6071 -
Joe Leiter
Employment Specialist
(816) 534-9445 -
Caleb Maine
Career Development Coach
Hawthorne Place Apartments
(816) 491-2872 -
Jennifer Manuleleua
Senior Vice President
Community Development
(816) 491-2871 -
Emily Mays
Housing Case Manager
(816) 642-2837 -
Samantha McGathy
Family Stability Coach
(816) 642-2241 -
Don McLaughlin
Noland Road Warehouse
Quincy Michael
Warehouse Associate
Jessie Moreno
Rapid Rehousing Outreach
Bridge Housing Case Manager
(816) 534-9448 -
Yelitza Nunez
HSED Case Manager
(816) 642-2238 -
Zusuki Ocon
Community Development Manager
(816) 642-2202 -
Stephanie Ogle
Vice President
Career Services
(816) 491-2008 -
Brianna Powers
Vice President
Community Development
(816) 491-2873 -
Mark Robison
Career Development Coach
Lynn Rose
Chief Program Officer
(816) 912-4486 -
Michael Rose
Senior Financial Coach
(816) 912-4493 -
Jeff Sheets
Senior Financial Coach
(816) 491-2869 -
Delaney Smail
Housing Services
Administrative Coordinator
(816) 534-9443 -
Matt Stonestreet
Accounting Manager
(816) 912-4503 -
Sarah Tilbury
Grants Manager
816-534-9439 -
Arlenn Tovar
Emergency Services Assistant
(816) 491-2012 -
Samanna Valdepena
Hawthorne Activities Assistant
(816) 912-4502 -
Barb Graeff -Vinck
Stone Church Community
Meal Coordinator
(816) 878-1155 -
Jill Whitworth
Employment Specialist
(816) 912-4495 -
Diane Wiggins
Grants Accountant
(816) 912-4498 -
Peyton Windsor
Housing Case Manager
(816) 491-2015 -
Kourtenay Wirthwein
Family Stability Coach
(816) 912-4496 -
Lauren Worley
Vice President
Housing Services
(816) 908-9513 -
Jeanne Young
Buckner Site Manager
(816) 249-5820