Lexi Pardee Lexi Pardee

Strategic Plan Guides CSL Towards Impact

In June 2023, CSL’s Board of Directors approved a comprehensive Strategic Plan to guide our work from 2023-2027. A new plan was critical to guide our path towards improved impact post-pandemic. CSL staff provided an update to the Board of Directors in June, and here are some of the first year highlights, separated by aspiration area: Financial Wellbeing, Workforce Development, Housing and Basic Needs, and Community Development.

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Lexi Pardee Lexi Pardee

A Million-Dollar Milestone at CSL

Congratulations to CSL’s Hawthorne Place Apartments team on achieving a major milestone! At Hawthorne Place Apartments, in coordination with POAH (Preservation of Affordable Housing), the owner-operator, CSL facilitates the HUD-sponsored Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program. As of last week, the FSS Program at Hawthorne has eclipsed $1,000,000 in lifetime escrow savings!

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Lexi Pardee Lexi Pardee

What We Learned In a Year: Independence T.O.G.E.T.H.E.R. Celebrates One Year Anniversary!

On March 27, 2023, CSL and the City of Independence, launched Independence TOGETHER. This was the culmination of an idea that started in 2019, and was disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The idea was relatively simple – provide a supported employment program for adults experiencing homelessness. What does that mean? It means we don’t simply tell folks, “go get a job and stop being unstably housed.” Instead, we create a supported environment that helps adults transition towards a life anchored by permanent housing and permanent employment.

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Lexi Pardee Lexi Pardee

Mardi Gras 2024 Supports New Eastern Jackson County Drop-In Center

In recent years, community conversations, locally and across America, are dominated by the number of homeless individuals on the streets. There are many root causes, but substance abuse, mental health challenges, and skyrocketing rental rates are three reasons that many people are unhoused in our community. Communities can often turn a blind eye to the problem and hope it goes it away, but that rarely works. Most meaningful change processes involve a coach and/or mentor to help guide someone, and that’s the same with a person exiting homelessness.

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Lexi Pardee Lexi Pardee

End 2023 with a Gift to CSL!

CSL has the honor of serving 20,000 neighbors every year. Times are very tough right now. We don’t have to look far to see people hurting, struggling, and needing our support. Now, we look to you to help give back!

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Lexi Pardee Lexi Pardee

CSL Launches Five-Year Strategic Plan

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” I couldn’t attribute this quote to a particular author, but its intent is relevant for where CSL is at (and where we’re going). Coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations and entities across the world have been seeking their collective paths forward.

CSL has many goals, but without plans, we can only wish them into existence. In 2022, the CSL Board of Directors began a strategic planning initiative, under the leadership of Board Secretary Beth Silverstein. The process included:

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Lexi Pardee Lexi Pardee

CSL’s President & CEO, Doug Cowan, Celebrates 10 Years!

On March 13, 2013, CSL’s Board Chair, Cliff Jones, called me to ask if I would serve as the agency’s next President & Chief Executive Officer (previously titled as Executive Director). CSL, at that time, was 97 years old, but had suffered from lack of consistent leadership. Since 2009, five people had served as Executive Director (or Acting/Interim Executive Director). I started at CSL as the Director of Development in 2010 and served as the Acting Executive Director all of 2012.

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Lexi Pardee Lexi Pardee

Women’s History Month 2023

I’m so lucky to have fantastic women in my life. I hope you are too. My dad was hugely influential on my science brain, but my mom grounded my heart. She was so good to people. She knew what was important and what wasn’t. We always joked that mom was the “close enough” kind of mom. When we heard “close enough” when she was making dinner, it was time to crash a friend’s house for dinner. Now that I’m an adult, I get it.

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Lexi Pardee Lexi Pardee

Be Good. Be Kind. Be Well.

Life isn’t to be understood, but it is to be experienced despite your fears. I’ve learned what we can experience and how we respond can derive the make up of who we are. I love to give my finances to the less fortunate. Love to give BIG hugs to someone who needs it. Love to share my knowledge with others who want it. Love to connect and give my time to the forgotten crowd/people who seek it. I love to see a smile, so I give it right back!

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Lexi Pardee Lexi Pardee

A Bridge of Hope, Help, and Light

Anthony Mondaine loves Independence, and knows he is here to serve. Today he is not only the only person of color on the Independence School District Board; he is the first elected official to an office in the school district. However, if you ask Anthony who he is, he says, “I’m a husband and a father of two children. I’m a founding pastor of a church that is now eight years old. I’m a bridge of hope and help for other people.”

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Lexi Pardee Lexi Pardee

Calvin Wainright: A Trailblazer in Community Development

On October 31, 2022, the Kansas City community lost a giant of a man. Named a legacy, Calvin Wainright was known in Kansas City from his days at Don Boscoe, Greater Kansas City LINC, his basketball teams, to his church with his life partner and wife, Cassandra. Calvin knew life in Kansas City. He knew hard times, and he knew good times. He knew and he never stopped reaching down to help someone up, to celebrate and rejoice with you, and to grieve with you.

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Lexi Pardee Lexi Pardee

Why CSL’s Cultural Connections Are Important

I’m not sure who said it, or where, but someone remarked, “community is what happens when people behave as if they intentionally belong somewhere.” I think that’s a great way to think about our communities, and to think about the concept of belonging.

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Lexi Pardee Lexi Pardee

Reflecting on 2022

For 13 years, I have written scores of articles and letters about the growth and expansion of CSL’s programs and services. You might ask yourself, is CSL only about growing, expanding, and doing more? As we move in CSL’s 107th year in 2023, here’s how I would answer that question…

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Lexi Pardee Lexi Pardee

CSL 2022 Legacy Award Recipients

For Doug and Helen Hatridge, supporting CSL has been part of their lives for the last 30 years. Both of the Hatridges are retired educators, and they know, firsthand, the impact poverty has on young people. So, Doug and Helen have worked to help CSL grow its programs and services to help local kids and families.

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Lexi Pardee Lexi Pardee

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month: Part 3

National Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to recognize and reflect on the stories of Hispanic peoples in our nation and community. For me, it is a great opportunity to share where I come from and my experiences as a Latina. I was born in Mexico and then moved to El Paso, Texas until I when I was eight years old. I moved to Kansas City, Kansas at age 15. I have lived almost my entire life as a Mexican immigrant to the USA.

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Lexi Pardee Lexi Pardee

CSL Endorses Renewal of Children’s Services Fund

In 2016, Jackson County voters approved the creation of the Jackson County Children's Services Fund (CSF), with a one-eighth cent sales tax that would sunset after seven years. A CSF is allowed, by Missouri state statute, to be created in counties by a vote of the people, and exists to improve children’s mental health and social-emotional wellbeing.

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Lexi Pardee Lexi Pardee

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month: Part 2

It is hard to believe that, according to the Pew Research Center, more than 13% of the U.S. population speaks Spanish and is home to the world's second-largest population of native Spanish speakers after México. The way the data is trending, by 2050, one in three people in the U.S. will speak Spanish (this data includes bilingual people who also speak English).

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CSL - Appearing in Different Shapes and Sizes